About Us

Director’s Message

Welcome to the Saratoga Springs Housing Authority website!

We are located in the historic city of Saratoga Springs, New York often referred to as the “city in the country”. The Saratoga Springs Housing Authority was established in 1952 and has two primary locations. Stonequist Apartments LLC, constructed in 1970 is a 10-story high rise located just blocks from downtown Saratoga Springs and the heart of the business district. Our family sites, Jefferson and Vanderbilt Terraces are located just a few blocks from the historic Saratoga Race Course...

Here at the SSHA we provide safe, decent housing for elderly families, persons with disabilities on fixed incomes as well as working families who are moving towards self-sufficiency. The SSHA also administers the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program and Veteran’s Affairs Supported Housing (VASH) Programs. Our staff is dedicated to meeting the needs of our families while assisting the community with implementing the long-term goals for affordable housing. In 2020 we began the development of two new affordable housing projects. The Promenade, is a 63-unit project comprised of a 4-story building with 1- and 2-bedroom apartments behind the Stonequist Apartments LLC, and three townhouse style buildings comprised on 1,2- and 3-bedroom units which face West Circular Street. The second project is called the SRDI Project and consists of two (2) twelve-unit buildings located within the grounds of our Terrace properties. These are state funded projects and information regarding eligibility is located on this website. The SSHA also realizes that our existing public housing units are in need of extensive rehabilitation and are in the process of identifying the funding to make that happen. In total the SSHA will be providing assisted housing for over 500 families in the city of Saratoga Springs.

I consider it a privilege to be the Director of this agency and take my responsibilities very seriously. First and foremost, of these is ensuring the safety and security of our residents. This is why the SSHA upholds strict lease enforcement standards. We expect our residents to respect not only their neighbors, but the property as well. After all, receiving housing subsidy in this beautiful city is a privilege and should be treated as such. Our residents take pride in their community and do their part in maintaining SSHA property so that we blend in with the surrounding neighborhoods. If you are interested in joining the SSHA community, there is link on the Homepage for you to apply.

Thanks again for visiting our web site. Please use it often and if you have any suggestions for improvement, please contact us at pfeldman@sspha.org.

Paul J. Feldman, Executive Director

Board of Commissioners

The Saratoga Springs Housing Authority Board of Commissioners is made up of seven members. Five members are appointed by the Mayor and serve five year terms. There are two Resident Commissioners who are elected by the residents of the Authority and serve two year terms. At the Board’s annual meeting, held in December, the Commissioners elect a Chair and Vice-Chair

The Commissioners are the governing officers of the Authority. They are responsible for setting policies that govern the operations of the Authority, charting the direction of current and future programs and housing development and approving all contracts entered into by the Authority.

The Board of Commissioners hires the Executive Director who serves as Board Secretary and is responsible for managing the Housing Authority’s day-to-day operations.

The current members of the board of Commissioners are:

Stephen Sullivan Chairperson
Michelle Roddy Co Chair
Angela Kedik Commissioner
Ann Bullock Commissioner
Joy King Commissioner
Janet Altamari Commissioner
Monica Grayson Commissioner
Board of Commissioners By Laws

Meetings & Minutes

The Board of Commissioners conducts open Meetings every third Thursday of each month, except in August. Meetings begin at 9:30 A.M. and take place at the Authority’s Administrative Offices, 1 South Federal Street, Saratoga Springs, New York. All meetings of the Board of Commissioners are open to the public. Those who wish to address the Board must register by contacting the Office of the Executive Director (518-584-6600 ext 222) at least forty-eight (48) hours before the scheduled Board meeting. Speakers will be heard in the order of registration and speaking time will be limited to two (2) minutes per person. Please take note, no electronic devices will be allowed.

Resident Councils

Resident Councils provide a voice for the residents directly to the Executive Director. Your Resident Council needs your participation. If you want your voice heard and your opinion counted, then get involved with your Resident Council. When we all work together we create a safer more enjoyable community.

Stonequest Community Resident Council

The SSHA Stonequest Resident Council is a council made up of 5 resident board members committed to create a better living environment for the residents they represent. We establish projects, educational training, and work closely with the Housing Authority itself.

Terrace's Community Resident Council

The SSHA TCRC is a council made up of 5 resident board members committed to create a better living environment for the residents they represent. We establish projects, educational training, and work closely with the Housing Authority itself.

Smoke-Free Policy

Resolution No. FY16-R27 Adoption of No-Smoking Policy

Smoke-Free Policy Summary

Effective May 1, 2016, the No-Smoking Policy went into effect at all SSHA properties. We understand that this will be an inconvenience for our smoking residents and sympathize with what some perceive as a violation of their rights. The scientific facts remain however that second hand smoke has serious negative health impacts on non-smokers. This policy will help enhance the health and safety of all SSHA residents by eliminating second hand smoke from buildings as well as eliminating the potential for catastrophic fire damage as a result of cigarette smoking. Signage will soon be placed on all SSHA owned buildings indicating that they are non-smoking. Please remember that if you are a smoker, you must be outside the building and at least 25 feet away from doors and windows, and 50 feet away from our playground areas. Residents are encouraged to report violations of this policy by calling the office or filling out incident report forms available at the main office or the JVT Resident Council office. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

News Release

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Saratoga Springs Housing Authority Going Smoke-Free

Authority Aided in Developing Policy by Glens Falls Hospital’s Health Promotion Center

To protect the health and safety of its residents, the Saratoga Springs Housing Authority will implement a no-smoking policy in all 339 of its housing units, and limit smoking elsewhere on its properties, beginning May 1, 2016.

“We are proud to take this important step in protecting the health and safety of our residents, employees and visitors,” said Executive Director Paul Feldman. “Whether it’s second-hand smoke filtering into neighboring apartments or common areas through doorways and ventilation systems, or the fire dangers associated with cigarettes, smoking presents risks that needed to be addressed.”

The policy will be in effect at all three of the Authority’s housing complexes — Jefferson Terrace, Vanderbilt Terrace and Stonequist Apartments LLC. In addition to prohibiting smoking indoors, the policy establishes a 25-foot smoke-free boundary around all outside entrances and exits and windows, and a 50-foot smoke-free boundary around the Authority’s playgrounds.

Mr. Feldman said the policy was discussed and developed over the past year in collaboration with Glens Falls Hospital’s Health Promotion Center, through its state-funded Living Tobacco-Free Initiative. “The hospital team has a lot of experience in helping organizations and municipalities implement smoke-free policies, and we were happy to have their assistance,” he said.

Brandi Bishop, Program Coordinator for Community Partnerships for the Living Tobacco-Free Initiative, said, “We commend the Saratoga Springs Housing Authority for their initiative in creating a healthier environment for the people who live in, work in, and visit their apartments. It’s great to have yet another community partner who is committed to reducing exposure to the dangers of tobacco products.”

In conjunction with the policy, staff members from the Living Tobacco-Free Initiative have provided Housing Authority residents with educational information about quitting smoking. Mr. Feldman said he has heard from some residents that they are planning to use the policy as an incentive to quit.

“That’s another very positive outcome of this decision,” Mr. Feldman said. “The health and safety benefits of the policy can be found everywhere you turn.”

The Saratoga Springs Housing Authority is a federally funded, New York State-chartered government agency founded in 1952 for the purpose of providing safe, decent and affordable housing to low- and moderate-income individuals and families.

The Health Promotion Center of Glens Falls Hospital works to improve the health and well-being of the people and communities of Warren, Washington, Saratoga, Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton and Montgomery counties through a variety of state-funded initiatives, including Living Tobacco-Free. The initiative is funded through two state grants, Advancing Tobacco-Free Communities and Health Systems for a Tobacco-Free NY.

In recent years, staff from the Living Tobacco-Free Initiative have worked with a variety of organizations and municipalities to develop smoke-free public spaces, including Liberty House Foundation, the Schuylerville Public Library, the Washington County Fair, and the towns of Ballston, Fort Ann and Warrensburg.

Media Contacts
For Saratoga Springs Housing Authority:
Paul Feldman
Executive Director
(518) 584-6600
For Glens Falls Hospital:
Brandi Bishop
Program Coordinator, Community Partnerships
(518) 926-5930

Executive Director and Staff

The Saratoga Springs Housing Authority staff consists of the Executive Director and 13 employees who implement the Authority’s programs and maintenance projects. The Housing Authority is a member of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Offiicials (NAHRO) and the National and State Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA) and (NYSPHADA).

The Current Administrative staff:

For general inquiries, please call (518) 584-6600 and either ask for Kathy Peterson or listen to voice mail recording.

Name Title Extension Email
Paul Feldman Executive Director 222 pfeldman@sspha.org
Cindy Gaugler Finance Director 217 cgaugler@sspha.org
Kathleen Peterson Executive Secretary 210 kpeterson@sspha.org
Katie Sicko Director Of Occupancy 211 ksicko@sspha.org
Jenna Barkley Executive Assistant 219 jbarkley@sspha.org
Lindsey Hernandez Project Manager 213 lhernandez@sspha.org
Jen Hill Project Manager 226 jhill@sspha.org
Jennifer Martin Project Manager 221 jmartin@sspha.org
Madison C. Squires Ross Coordinator 212 msquires@sspha.org
Rani Mahil Occupancy Specialist 227 rmahil@sspha.org
Shavonne Frazier Occupancy Specialist 214 sfrazier@sspha.org
Marissa Balch Occupancy Specialist 223 mbalch@sspha.org
Art Kirker Modernization Coordinator 224 akirker@sspha.org
Amber Upton Occupancy Specialist 220 aupton@sspha.org
Chad Henderson Inspector
Ted Harrington Maintenance Staff
Jon Antolowitz Maintenance Staff
Miguel Valentin Maintenance Staff
Zach Angley Maintenance Staff
Rodney LaPage Maintenance Staff
Randy Stevens Maintenance Staff
Jon Tamburrino Maintenance Staff
Christopher Dingmon Maintenance Staff
Rafael Serrano Maintenance Staff, Sonny West Maintenance Staff
Janet Godfrey Laborer
Michelle Young Laborer
Earline Stevens Laborer
Sandy Cann Grounds Keeper